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Vegetable Cups

Camping in Your Own Backyard

As the weather warms up, encourage your kids to get active outdoors and play! Camping doesn’t need to be a stressful family excursion when you can pitch a tent in your own backyard. Especially for little ones, backyard camping is an exciting adventure close to the comforts of home and is a great birthday party for slightly older children. Below are our tips to making camping with your family a walk in the park.

 Prepare Snacking Supplies

Avoid hungry, cranky campers by preparing a variety of portable, easy-to-eat snacks. Frozen pops made from Libby’s® Vegetable Cups are a refreshing and nutritious way to cool down on a hot summer’s day.

 Prepare sandwiches or healthy wraps ahead of time and pack along with your camping gear for a quick and filling meal. Green Wheels and Ham incorporate green beans with kid-friendly ham and cheese to ensure your family gets their greens on the go.

 Gather Your Gear

Provide supplies for your family’s adventure including a tent, sleeping bags, pillows, flashlights, bug spray and sunscreen. Don’t forget about entertainment; include cards, bubbles, toys and binoculars in a backpack. An advantage of camping in your backyard is if you have forgotten something, you can easily grab it indoors!

 Organize Game time

Come prepared to your camp-out with a variety of field games for good, family fun. Revisit the classics with three-legged races, water balloon tosses and Simon Says. With a little advanced planning, set up a scavenger hunt with items found in nature such as green leaves, white rocks, sticks for marshmallow roasting or special items that you’ve placed in the backyard for the game.  

 Have you tried outdoor camping in your backyard? Share your stories and other tips for fun and healthy summertime activities on our Facebook page.

This Summer, Build Healthy Eaters

Whether you’re packing for a family picnic, preparing dinner or driving kids between their summer activities, it’s important to consider nutritious snacks and side dishes to keep your family healthy and energetic. Libby’s® Vegetable Cups, which are microwaveable and shelf-stable, are a convenient solution to adding more fruits and veggies into your daily diet.

Our Cups contain 4 oz. of flavorful ingredients that are grown and packed in the U.S. Here are some savvy tips from dietitian Deanna Segrave-Daly for getting your kids to eat more fruits and veggies.

“Fast Foods” for Smaller Tummies

Younger kids, especially toddlers, seem to be hungry at any time BUT mealtime. With newfound independence and more activity, those smaller stomachs burn calories fast so it’s natural and healthy for kids to ask for snacks between meals. Of course, nutrient-rich and balanced eats – that are quick to dole out for a busy body – are best like:

  • A portion or two of sliced of low sodium ham and tomato slices wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla and cut into one inch pinwheels
  • Pita wedges with hummus and avocado
  • Smoothie made with frozen banana, plain yogurt and chocolate milk

Let Kids Play Chef

Having kids (as young as two years) in the kitchen helps raise healthy eaters, achieve healthier weights, allow quality family time and build self-confidence. Let kids rip lettuce for salad or add ingredients to dishes. Have them season their own Libby’s® Vegetable Cups to their liking. Some ideas:

  • Cinnamon + nutmeg for Libby’s® Diced Carrot Cups
  • Ginger + sesame seeds for Libby’s® Cut Green Bean Cups
  • Mint + lemon zest for Libby’s® Sweet Pea Cups

No-Brainer Picnic Packing

Junk food is made to be portable and convenient, but now healthy food is too, with Libby’s® Vegetable Cups. For your next impromptu-but-balanced picnic with the kiddies, pack nut butter sandwiches on whole wheat tortillas, granola bars, shelf-stable milk boxes and your kids’ favorite Libby’s® Vegetable Cups!

What’s your favorite on-the-go summer snack? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter